Cherokee Office of Economic Development · Cherokee by Choice.

Results focused.

Community minded.

About COED

The perfect place for business, work and life to take off — and the perfect balance of each. Cherokee County offers an amazing lifestyle for those who choose to live here and a great opportunity for companies who choose to grow here. It’s a place where the energy of cutting-edge industry leaders and new startups combine with the comfortable pace of greenspace and outdoors, giving you room to breathe. It doesn’t take long to discover what makes this place so special, and why so many are making a life in Cherokee County.

  • News / Media

    Looking for the latest in what’s happening around Cherokee County? Curious about economic growth in North Georgia? Visit our News/Media feed for reported coverage from all of our communities in the fast-growing Atlanta Metro area. Read More »
  • COED Team

    Our professional, tireless economic development team strives everyday to heighten the awareness of Cherokee County’s assets, create new jobs for our residents, and provide solutions for expanding businesses and resources for new companies. Read More »
  • What We Do

    At our core, we connect the public and private sectors to create community wealth, providing our residents with higher-paying jobs, our existing companies with impeccable customer service, and new companies with flexible resources. Read More »
  • Board Room

    COED seeks to build and maintain a Board of Directors with a wide range of experiences, competencies and perspectives. COED looks for people who are passionate about the overall success of Cherokee County and Georgia as a whole. Read More »
  • Cherokee By Choice Initiative

    cherokee county – such an
    easy decision. The next level five-year economic growth and resiliency initiative.

    Cherokee By Choice (CBC) 2.0 is the bold strategic plan developed by the Cherokee Office of Economic Development (COED) in partnership with private and public sector leaders, partners and stakeholders around Cherokee County…… Read More »

  • 2023 Annual Report

COED’s Strong Record of Success

COED has been instrumental in business and film recruitment and industry retention and expansion. As the community’s sales and marketing lead, COED:

  • Aligns workforce education and training with in-demand jobs

  • Promotes the county for film projects

  • Attracts new business

  • Plans and mobilizes county resources for economic development

  • Supports the expansion of existing industry, micro-business, and startups

“I have seen firsthand the ability of entrepreneurship to transform the landscape of a local workforce and fuel the innovation of an economy. The COED team has been instrumental in creating a culture of entrepreneurship in Cherokee County by providing workspace for our new Woodstock HQ at The Circuit as well as valuable programming and community through Fresh Start Cherokee to help us grow into the future.”

Michael Caldwell, Black Airplane (a member of The Circuit)
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