Cherokee Office of Economic Development · Cherokee by Choice.

Heath Tippens

Heath Tippens 2009

Vice President

Heath Tippens is a native of Canton, GA, and a graduate of the University of Georgia with a BSFCS in Housing.

After graduating, Heath moved back home to Canton – to the area and people that he loves. Tippens’ background includes working as an investor relations specialist at Wells Real Estate Funds. While working at Wells, Heath gained valuable experience in commercial real estate and financial markets. He is a member of the Georgia Economic Developers Association. Heath is a graduate of The Basic Economic Developers Course at Georgia Tech, as well as a graduate of the Georgia Academy of Economic Development. He is also a graduate of Leadership Cherokee and was recognized by his peers as the Cristal Stancil Leadership Award honoree. Tippens was also named as one of the “Top 10 in 10” Young Professionals to Watch within Cherokee County, and one of Georgia Forward’s Young Game Changers. Tippens also recently served as Chair of the Leadership Cherokee Program in 2017.

Heath and his wife Whitney live in northern Cherokee County with their two sons. The Tippens love the relationships they have with the people in this area and all Cherokee has to offer!

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