Cherokee Office of Economic Development · Cherokee by Choice.

Vanna Hernandez

Vanna Hernandez 2023

Project Manager

Vanna Hernandez is a dynamic professional with a diverse background in local government and the tech industry. She holds an Associates in Criminal Justice from Chattahoochee Tech and a Bachelors in Political Science from Kennesaw State University. Additionally, Vanna is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), enhancing her expertise to deliver complex projects.

Driven by her desire to make a positive impact, Vanna joined COED to pursue her passion for building relationships and fostering collaboration between organizations in the public and private sector. Her ability to bridge gaps and facilitate cooperation has helped her manage successful initiatives, benefiting both local communities and businesses.

Outside of her professional pursuits, Vanna embraces the active lifestyle. In her free time, you will find Vanna running the trails of Cherokee and enjoying all the outdoor amenities.

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